


About me, or not about me?

That is the question!

Whether 'tis nobler of the programmer to hack the bits of data and pixels of unretouched jpegs, or to take arms against a sea of monitors, and by javascript end them. To click -- to link; no more; and by an overflown buffer to say we end the latency and the countless packet collisions that bandwidth is heir to, 'tis a thought devoutly to be wish'd. To launch, to surf; To surf -- perchance to download: ay, there's the rub!

For in that delay of allocation what ActiveX controls may meddle? When we have launched this streaming audio must give us pause. There's the file bloat that makes calamity of the 192K oversampling. For who would bear the clips and skips of Lo-fi?

DSL, Th' cable modem, the sattelite dishe's uniderectional, The flashing LED's of despis'd dial-up, the connection's delay, the nobility of OC3, and the spurns that the lowliest of th' unworthy WebTVers, When he himself might his connection make with a wireless keyboard?

Who would these ISP's bear, to post and spam, from behind a spoofed IP, but that the dread of dot-coms after venture capitol -- The undiscover'd hacker, from whose webform no data returns -- purges the log, and makes us rather read those headers every day than redirect to filters that we know we have? Thus e-commerce does make CTL+ALT+DEL'ers of us all, And thus the hideous curse of multi-browser-launch is sicklied o'er with the hungry mouse-trap of javascipt, and hyperlinks of cyclic redundancy and endless recursive HRefs.With this regard their browsers lock hard and freeze the CPU's resources. Reboot you now! The cold world wide web! - - HTTP, in thy protocol's, be all my bookmarks remember'd.


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